Do you go through the same slump every year? It begins somewhere in November. Your business slacks and you realize that your income is going to come way down at the very time when you want to be spending and buying. You get sad and then you get scared and before you know it, you’re in a full blown depression. Somehow the thought, “Desperation doesn’t sell” finds a way into your already crowded brain. How can you turn this around, or better yet, nip it in the bud? Here is a way to survive, even thrive this Holiday Season:
Think outside the box:
Here’s an example:
It’s Tuesday afternoon and I’m giving a coaching session to one of my clients, Sandy. I ask her how she is doing and she admits to not only being nervous about money but being downright panicked. Her fear was real. She wasn’t even sure how she was going to cover her rent in January.
When we dialogued with the nervous, scared part of her, we found out some useful information. Basically this was a very practical part of her. It wanted bottom line results. Nothing vague would do. It said loud and clear, “Show me the money!”
She looked at me, stumped. “I’m using every real estate strategy that I know and I’m getting desperate. “ So I asked her what other skills, talents and abilities she had. “Well, I used to do waitressing in the past.” So I asked her about doing that temporarily to get her through the slump. “Oh, I can’t possibility do that, because everyone in my town would see me and think I was a failure in real estate.” When I suggested that she find work out of her immediate vicinity she remembered she had some restaurant connections in a nearby city.
Transforming fear into action:
Her mood lightened and the worried expression changed to a smile. “Yeah maybe I can do that but how do I keep from feeling like I’ve failed at my major career?” So I asked her, “How many actors and actresses do you think waited tables in
So I said, “What if they looked at their waiter or waitress job and labeled themselves as failures because they had to do so called menial work to survive?”
Look for immediate feedback:
When our session ended,
She proved my point, you can always turn fear into action. Furthermore, if you focus on what gives you joy, you’ll find a way to get paid for what you love to do.
Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction. Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting
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