Monday, July 30, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 7 Tips to Becoming a Money Magnet

Did you know that most people block prosperity because of hidden beliefs about money? This article gives you seven tips to create yourself to be a “money magnet”.

Tip 1:  Identify your Money Type

According to Deborah Price, author of Money Magic, we all identify with certain money archetypes. For example, when money issues come up, do you bury your head in the sand, like an ostrich? Then most likely your type is called The Innocent. If you’re not The Innocent, you might be The Victim, The Tyrant, The Warrior, The Martyr, The Fool or The Magician.

Tip 2:  What was your conditioning about money?

What old beliefs did you receive from your parents, teachers and the society around you about money? Many of my clients report that their old beliefs include:

--“earning money means punching a time clock”
--“money is scarce”
--“money is evil”

Which of these have you struggled with?

Tip 3:  What are your updated beliefs about money?

Since nature abhors a vacuum, then after you release your old Beliefs about money, put in some empowered beliefs that cause you to become a money magnet. These beliefs might sound something like this:

--“I am increasingly magnetic to money”
--“My income always exceeds my expenses”
--“I am highly worth of being prosperous”

Tip 4:  Create a New Money Type for Yourself

According to “Money Magic”, the ideal type to strive for is the “magician”. Why? Because the “magician” claims his/her own power and manifests his/her own financial reality.

Tip 5:  Use the Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction simply states that you get what you focus on. So if you focus on the lack of money, the difficulty of paying bills and the fears about whether you can support yourself, then You will receive more of that in return. The solution?  Easy, every time you find yourself focusing on what you don’t want, stop yourself and say, “So, what do I want?”

Tip 6:  Tame your Inner Gremlin

Do you have a voice that berates you? Do you find that it’s impossible to please that voice? Then undoubtedly, you are dealing with your Inner Gremlin, also known as the Inner Critic.

It’s busy telling you that you aren’t worthy of having money.

“Who are you to be prosperous?” it will say. It will probably badger you until you turn this voice into an ally who will say, “You deserve an abundance of prosperity.”

Tip 7:  Plan your work and work your plan

When you have finally let go of your old beliefs about money, you will find it much easier to create an effective business plan. More importantly, you’ll be much more able to implement that plan and manifest prosperity when you are a money magnet.



Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction.  Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting


Monday, July 23, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 7 Steps to Make It Easier for You to Be Resilient

Did you know that every successful professional has one thing in common? They all possess a strong level of emotional resilience. We’re they born with it?  No, in most cases they learned it as an ability necessary for survival in business.

What is emotional resilience?

It is the ability to quickly return to a state of poise, confidence and ease no matter what curves are thrown your way. How do you get there?

Here are the 7 Steps:

1. Have a strong level of belief in yourself:

Know that whatever happens, you are offering to the marketplace something that is extremely valuable. Know your uniqueness and communicate it clearly.

2. Have strong boundaries:

You don’t need emotional walls in business but you do need to set and maintain strong boundaries. This especially includes the ability to say “no”.

3. Always go for a win/win:

Give yourself permission to know what you want and go for it. Make sure it is a win/win. Rule of thumb---if the interaction is not going to be a win/win, refuse to be involved in it.

4. Keep an attitude of high intentions and low attachment:

When you’re in negotiation, you need to be strong and assertive with a high intention to succeed. It may sound paradoxical but you must be detached from the outcome, knowing that you did your best.

5. Remain focused on the task and keep your emotions in check:

In your personal life, live it up! Have a ball! Allow yourself to laugh, cry and get angry. It’s good for your soul. However, in your business life, keep cool and keep your emotions in check. This will make it easier for you to attend to the task at hand.

6. Stop trying to make your clients into your friends:

If you really want to be emotionally resilient, don’t create dual relationships. They tempt you to get emotionally involved and then take everything personally. To be resilient, you need to stay impersonal, i. e. centered and calm.

7. Create positive self-talk:

Don’t let your Inner Critic run the show. Develop the voice of your Inner Ally so that you are always tuned into positive self talk. You’ll hear statements like: “Good Job” or “Don’t sweat the small stuff”.

How good are you at keeping your Inner Critic at bay and filling up your mind with positive self- talk, like “I’m proud of myself for…”?



Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction.  Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting



Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Your Chance => Seeking Law of Attraction Students

Do you want to use the Law of attraction but find that you
don't know how to get started?

Have you tried using the Law of attraction to get more clients
but it hasn't worked?

Do you suspect you have some self limiting beliefs that are
sabotaging you?

If you answered " YES " to any of these questions, then listen

MOST real estate professionals who try to use the Law of
get stuck in the process. Why?

=> they don't have a system to implement the law of attraction

=> they have subconscious self limiting beliefs

=> they don't know how to take Inspired Action

*** I am SEEKING Law of Attraction students...!!! ***

... who want to use Law of attraction to attract their ideal

... who want to use Law of attraction to double or triple their

... who want to use Law of attraction to create an abundance of
time for
friends, fun, and recreation

Does that sound like YOU?

If so, there is a CONTEST that you'll want to know about:

*** Here are the facts of the contest ***

I'm accepting applications, on a priority basis, of people who
want to receive a Law of Attraction Complimentary Coaching
from me personally.

This is a TIME LIMITED offer.

The people who apply in the next 24 hours are eligible to win.

I will be choosing 5 WINNERS
and you could be one of them.

*** These are the requirements ***

Here are the requirements for entering the contest:

1. Must be a student of the law of attraction

2. Must be a real estate professional

3. Must be seeking Law of attraction business coaching

4. Must have resources to invest in Law of Attraction business

If this sounds like YOU, just go to
and fill out a brief application.

Be sure to include your cell phone number so I can call you
and let you know if you have WON.

*** The Winner Receives...***

The winner receives:

=> a 45 minute Complimentary Law of attraction Coaching Session
from me personally.

=> clarity on your ideal professional life

=> clarity on the obstacles and self limiting beliefs holding
you back

=> You are guaranteed to come away with a renewed sense of
about turning your business around.!

*** Here's what my clients are saying ***

The people listed below are either current clients or former
clients who
were lucky enough to receive a Complimentary Consultation with me
and went on to become coaching clients.

They have all doubled or tripled their incomes in the Law of
coaching program.

Read what they had to say:

"I can't thank you enough for how the coaching is helping me.
When I first began coaching with you, I had hardly any business.

Now after just a short time I have 4 new listings."

real estate agent


"I am in awe of the law of attraction and how well it works for

In a fairly short period of time,
my income has doubled and more importantly I'm amazed at how
easy things come together."

real estate agent


"After you introduced the Law of Attraction to me, I started
practicing the 'stop technique'.

Whenever my mind was focusing on what I didn't want I
asked myself,' so what do I want?'

That simple shift made a world of difference in my professional
Last week I sold 3 homes."

real estate agent


=> Would you like to get the RESULTS that they are getting but
you haven't been able to do it on your own?

=> Did you know that every top producing real estate agent
that I've never interviewed has had a coach?

=> Did you know that Tiger Woods has a coach?

*** This is your CHANCE ****

This is your chance to win a
Complimentary Law of Attraction Coaching session with
me if you apply within the next 24 hours.

Please review the requirements listed above,
and if you qualify please send your application to


I look forward to supporting you in creating a Prosperous and

Dr. Maya

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 7 More Law of Attraction Tips

Have you seen the movie The Secret yet?  If not, I highly recommend it.  It's an inspirational documentary on the Law of Attraction.  It's becoming a real “buzz” in most businesses now.


Why?  More and more small business owners and success minded professionals are beginning to discover what most successful real estate agents have known all along. They are beginning to discover the “secret” to success.


What do successful real estate agents know that others don't?  After interviewing some of the top producers in the real estate field, one thing stood out over and over and over.  The “secret” to their success was their mindset and they were happy to talk about it.


How can the Law of Attraction change your mindset?


There are 7 ways:


Tip 1: The Law of Attraction tells us to dwell in the state of “gratitude”


“How”, you might ask, “is feeling grateful going to help me sell homes?”   First of all, according to several well-known authors “gratitude opens the way for more good to come into your life.” Secondly, have you noticed how an attitude of gratitude put you in a good mood?  Gratitude shifts your thinking from problems to what you feel good about, and that brightens your mood.  Have you noticed how people are more attracted to you when you are in a better mood?


Here's a tip:


When you get up in the morning focus on what you have and what you are grateful for. It could be that you are healthy enough to get up and do your work.  As you go throughout your day keep thinking about what you're grateful for.  Watch how more and more people are attracted to you.


Tip 2:  Another tip that was mentioned in “the secret” was the process of “visualizing.”


Did you know that athletes mentally visualize their performance? The theory is that when you visualize, you materialize.  Be sure to make the visualization so real that you can feel what it feels like to have what you want.


Here's a tip:


Before you go into a listing appointment, take a few minutes to visualize yourself with a positive outcome you want.  Visualize the owners looking at you and smiling at you as they sign their name to the contract. Feel what you feel in your heart, knowing that they trust and appreciate you. Talk about maximizing your success…


Tip 3: Know what you don't want


Why is it important to know what you don't want?

We get what we are focused on. Focus on the lack of something, and that's what we are guaranteed to get.

When you make a list of what you don't want in terms of clients, you are using that list to clarify what you do want.  


How else are you going to know what you want unless you've experienced what you don't want?


Here's a tip: 


Make a list of what you don't want in terms of clients, like you don't want “undecided, unmotivated and uncommitted clients,” so scratch out all those qualities on a piece of paper.  Flip to the opposite, using your don't want list to discover what you do want. The trick is to “observe your don't want list very briefly and then discard it.”


Tip 4: Get clear on what you do want


Here's where we get to the bottom line of the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction tells us to only focus on what we want.  Some people need help to break the

“want” barrier. These people have been conditioned with self limiting beliefs like “it's selfish to want.” Or “it's not okay to ask.”


However, according to the Law of Attraction, “wanting is the necessity of life.” In the book, “Excuse me, your  life is waiting,”  the author Lyn Grabhorn asks “what are your smallest, your biggest, your oldest, your newest, and your most deeply hidden desires… the ones that are so impossible that you never have so much as whispered them out loud to anyone? We came to learn how to create our desires, fulfill our dreams, and prosper.”


Here's a tip:


Keep your focus on what you want. If you are feeling anything less than wonderful, your mind has probably drifted to focusing on what you don't want.    When that happens, ask yourself, “so what do I want?”


Tip 5: Get into that feeling state of having what you want


In other words, visualize yourself having what you want, let's say an abundance of “happy, appreciative, ideal clients.”  Now instead of feeling bad that you don't have those clients yet, act as if you do. Put yourself in the situation where you visualize your ideal clients calling you, your transactions increasing, your bank account going up, and having more time to spend with your family.


The key to having what ever you want is finding a way to feel good about your want, even before it arrives. Use whatever device you want. Feel free to pretend, “act as if”, and imagine. Remember, Einstein once said that, “imagination is more important than knowledge.”


Let your imagining be from your heart, not just from your head. What does it feel like?  Deep down in your heart and in your body to have happy, appreciative clients calling you and want to do business with you?


Do you feel cooler or warmer, do you feel calmer or more excited, and do you feel lighter or heavier?  Once you get the hang of it, it will be easy for you to identify the feelings of “having what you want.”


Here's a tip:


Take a few minutes every day to relax and visualize yourself having your desires fulfilled. As an added bonus, speak into a recording device and tape yourself, giving yourself a visualization.  That way, when you're done, you can't sit back and listen to it over and over and over, creating a positive energy vortex.


Tip 6:  Clear your opposing beliefs


As I have been coaching real estate agents for the last 10 years in doubling and tripling their incomes, what I have found is that the Law of Attraction works great when there are no opposing beliefs.  It doesn't work at all when opposing beliefs are still in place.


For example, you may have all the talent and skills that you need to be a top producing real estate agent, but you could be stuck in a nonproductive mode because of Self Limiting Beliefs.


Here are some examples of Self limiting beliefs that I run into all the time:


“It’s not okay to be pushy”

“If I call someone, that means I'm bothering them.”

“It's not okay to compete”

“Other people's needs are more important than my own”


Imagine trying to be successful, while any of these beliefs may be operating at a subconscious level. How do you know whether you have subconscious self limiting beliefs?  One surefire way to know is to practice the law of attraction and see whether you get results. No results == The presence of self limiting beliefs (probably on a subconscious level).


These self limiting beliefs are also called “our blind spots.”  Why do you think Tiger Woods always has a coach?  Because he can't see his blind spots, and neither can we.


Here's a tip:


After you have visualized yourself having what you want, and taken time to feel what it feels like, ask yourself what voices in you have any resistance to you having what you want.  Usually you'll hear some voices inside that have concerns.  They may be afraid, for example, that if you're successful, then you won't have any time for your family.  That would indicate a self limiting belief, something like, “in order to succeed, I need to work hard, struggle and stress myself out.”


Here's the good news: you are not stuck with your self limiting beliefs.  As soon as you recognize that you've got them, you can change them.  For example, the one above could be changed to, “I create success using the Law of Attraction, which allows me to attract my ideal clients easily and effortlessly.”


Tip 7:  Take Inspired Action and Allow it to come to you


What does this mean? Here's the difference between Inspired action and Frantic action: frantic action is the fear-based, and just like it sounds, it is frantic and reactive. Usually you're banging against the problem, and the problem gets worse, which of course makes you more fearful and then you begin attracting what you don't want instead of attracting what you do want. This is a common tendency if you just had a transaction fall through.


However, Inspired action, means action that is guided by your intuition, your heart and your gut feelings.  You are more likely to get ideas for inspired action when you are feeling good, that's why it's important to dwell in gratitude. Next, it's important for you to follow your hunches.  Trust your hunches, and don't worry about the “how”.  According to the Law of Attraction, the “how’s” are the domain of the universe.


Once you start following your Inspired Action, it's important to Allow yourself to receive what you have asked for. Notice I said the word “Allow”.  To allow, you need to suspend your doubt.  Choose “Faith” over “fear”.  Fear is often disguised as doubt and skepticism.


Here's a tip:


Practice finding ways to feed your “faith.”  Self honoring statements, like “if they can do it, I can too” are helpful.  Take the self limiting beliefs that you noticed and turn them into Empowering beliefs like:


“I can be assertive, without being pushy”


“I have a pleasant approach and people are happy to hear from me”


“I can be co-operative, rather than competitive”


“My needs are as important as anyone else's”


In summary, practicing the Law of Attraction is the fastest, easiest, way to capture a positive mindset. You will be following the top producers before you, who automatically practiced this way of thinking.  All you need to do is follow in their footsteps.


Take your focus away from what the media is saying, stop focusing on what you don't want, start focusing on what you do want and take a good look at the possibilities that are available to you now in this market.


Here's what one of my clients had to say,


“I see business potential everywhere.  Doors are opening, and I am constantly feeling that anything is possible.” It's fascinating to me that I could turn these self limiting beliefs around in such a short time. I see my business prospering and I know that ‘I deserve success.’



Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction.  Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting







Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Secrets to being a Money Magnet...

=> do you ever wish you were more magnetic to money?

=> do you suspect that you are consciously or subconsciously
holding yourself back from having the money you desire?

=> do you want to learn the Secret to being a Money Magnet?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions you are not

Most of the people who approach me for Law of Attraction Business
Coaching, do so because they want more money.

I am happy to announce that I have completed a Groundbreaking
e-book that reveals the secrets to being a Money Magnet.

****** Here is what one of my clients had to say: ******

"I began telling myself a month ago that I was a' money magnet'.
In this last month I have sold 9 houses!

The next month looks like it will be an even better 'money
magnet' month.

Judy M.
real estate agent

**** What is the best kept secret? *****

This is revealed at last in my e-book on the law of Attraction.

It's called:

"Law of attraction for Real Estate Professionals: 5 Easy Steps
to getting all the clients you'll ever want or need"

**** Here's what you'll discover***

=> the insider secrets to the Law of Attraction

=> how you can implement the 5 Easy Steps immediately

=> how you can discover your self limiting beliefs and turn them
into empowered beliefs

*** The results for you? ***

=> double and triple your income

=> multiply your transactions

=> attract your Ideal Clients

=> live the lifestyle of "balance" that you deserve

*** Want to learn more? ***

Click here to learn how you can order this e-book today and save

This book is regularly $49.00, but for the next 48 hours, I have
a Special Offer of $39.00

This offer is good until Thursday, July 12, at midnight

click here to learn more

**** here's what some clients are saying ***

"In a fairly short time I switched from being in a' scarcity
mindset' to a' prosperity mindset'.

My income has doubled and more importantly I'm amazed at how easy
things come together."

Jo Ann V.
real estate agent

"After you introduced the Law of Attraction to me , I started
practicing the 'stop technique'.

That simple shift made a world of difference in my professional
life. For example, last week I sold 3 homes."

Paula P.
real estate agent


If YOU would like to get the results that they are getting, and
save 25% in the process, click here
to find out more information about my Special Offer.

You'll learn Proven techniques
to being a Money Magnet.

Dr. Maya

P.S. If you are ready to be a "money magnet", click here

Monday, July 9, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 5 Tips to Use Your Sphere of Influence to Double Your Income

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 5 Tips to Use Your Sphere of Influence to Double Your Income


  By Maya Bailey, Ph.D.


I find that so many of my clients are marketing avoidant when it comes to their sphere of influence. And yet statistics show that your sphere of influence can be the greatest source of referrals. This article show you how to dig in and get the “gold.”

Tip 1: Define and Rate your Sphere of Influence

When is the last time that you took a good look at your sphere of influence? What is the total? What are the categories in that group? Do you have past clients, friends, acquaintances, people you hardly know? Before you do any thing else go into your data base and group your sphere of influence in categories.

Do you know who in your sphere is likely to refer to you? Do you know who in your sphere already works with another agent? How many have moved away? Start deleting the inappropriate ones.

Be sure to ask all of them this question at some point: “If you were buying or selling a home do you have a real estate agent that could help you?" If they say “yes” delete them. There is no point in continuing, they are not prospects. By keeping in touch With your sphere of influence as we will describe below, you’ll begin to find out who is an A, B, C, or D.

A = someone likely to refer to you
B = someone who with a little more contact with you, would refer to you
C = Questionable
D = Delete

Tip 2: Send an Item of Value to your sphere each month

In my 10 years of coaching Real Estate agents to double their incomes, I am amazed at the fact that sometimes their sphere never gets a mailing. Or sometimes the mailing is not well thought out. I worked with a client today who admitted that the material she was sending to her sphere was standard and boring. We brainstormed about Items of Value that would be interesting, fun and unique. So far she has come up with recipes and inspiring quotes. What do you send to your sphere of influence?

Is it something you would want to receive and find valuable? If so, then I guarantee that your sphere will like it too. How many creative Items of Value can you come up with?

Tip 3: Overcome your blocks to calling your sphere

Everyone I have ever worked with resists calling their sphere. They tell me things like

• “I don’t want them to think I want something from them”
• “I’m afraid they won’t like me”
• “I don’t want to be like a telemarketer”

The list goes on, but I think you get the idea. What you need to understand is that you’re a giver. When givers give to other givers, they get back. So, in other words, if you send an Item of Value , you are giving, when you chat with them and listen to what’s going on in their lives, you’re giving again. So at the end of the call, say something like, “Oh by the way, if you hear of anyone even whispering about buying selling a home, please give me a call with their name and number.” Then say, “I’ll be happy to send referrals to your business, as well. Guess what? You’re giving again.

After doing these calls monthly (after your mailing of Items of Value) you’ll begin to know your sphere of influence and they’ll know you. You’ll begin to learn which ones are you’re A’s, B’s, C’s and which ones to delete. Then what will happen is that you’ll be in their stream of consciousness. So you’re the first one they’ll think of when they think of real estate. Don’t be surprised if you get referrals in the first few weeks.

Tip 4: Be in the right mindset

Don’t make these calls if you’re feeling anxious, upset or desperate. Remember, desperations doesn’t sell. So psych your self up in the right mindset. Think of your self as a giver and how happy they are going to be to hear from you. Tip: if you have been thinking negatively, switch your focus to what you are grateful for. That usually puts you in a much better mood to pick up the phone.

Tip 5: Make it a daily ritual

Just like brushing your teeth, calling some people out of your sphere of influence is essential. Even one a day is OK. Only call several times a day if you want your income to raise quickly.

Decide when to make your calls and keep at it until you’ve reached the people you were trying to call. Expect that several weeks after doing this; it will feel a lot easier. An extra perk is that you’re going to be deepening some great relationships and you’ll experience the same pleasure of calling them us as you would with a good friend.


Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction.  Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting