Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Have you acknowledged yourself yet?

If you're like most peopleat this time of year, you're probablylooking back on 2006, wondering what happened?

You're probably wondering why you didn't achieve all your goals and keep all the resolutions that you made last January.

There is a Secret that I want to let you in on, but before I do that, I want to caution you against falling into a common pattern this time of year.

Here's the Pattern

Most people fall prey to their In their Inner Gremlin (the overly developed inner critic), right after Christmas.

They focus on the overspending that they did, the under earning before that in all the ways that they think they didn't measure up.

Here is how you'll know if you're falling into this pattern:

  • you'll notice negative self talk
  • you will be judging and criticizing yourself
  • you will be focusing on what you didn't do instead of what you did do.

As a consequence, you'll probably notice:

  • lower overall energy
  • difficulty getting back into the swing of work
  • more struggle in getting clients

Here's the Solution

The solution is called Gremlin Taming. Here's how you do it:

Whenever your Gremlin starts to beat you up, follow this 3 step process:

1. Say STOP to the negative thoughts:

  • as soon as you sense that the Gremlin wants to judge you, criticize you or put you down in any way shape, or form, ( it can be tricky), then say STOP, and picture a STOP sign around the word.
  • Say to yourself, " I'm not going there."

2. Take a deep breath to interrupt the pattern

  • I suggest breathing in for 4 counts, holding the breath for 7 counts and breathing out for 8 counts
  • This interrupts the pattern ,so don't forget this step

3. Create some positive new thoughts about yourself, such as:

  • I do work I love and I am richly rewarded
  • I am a money magnet
  • I love and approve of myself
It looks like: STOP, Deep Breath, Positive New Thoughts.

Need help acknowledging yourself?

For most people, acknowledging themselves is like learning to speak a different language.

That's where I come in. I have spent 30 years of my life helping people succeed with confidence and a strong sense of self approval.

Here's The Secret: if you really want your business to grow in 2007, then learn to acknowledge and appreciate yourself and all your successes in 2006, not matter how big or small.

According to the Law of Attraction, this will create a highly magnetic energy that will draw to you the clients, the income, and the sizzling success that you desire.

Contrary to popular mythology, you don't motivate yourself to succeed by beating yourself up, you only lower your energy and create a negative vibratioin.

How would you like my support in learning to acknowledge yourself? If so, apply for a Complimentary Planning and Acknowledgment Session, right away.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What is Your Law of Attraction Question?

What is your most burning question about the law of attraction?

You've probably watched the movie "The Secret" or heard a lot about it by this time.

Many of the principles of the Law of Attraction were discussed; but, you may still have some questions about how the law of attraction works and how it can help you grow your business.

How are you doing in practicing the Law of Attraction in your everyday life?

  • Are you getting the results you want?
  • Are you clear on the five steps of the Law of Attraction ?
  • Do you get lost some time and aren't sure where to begin?
  • Do you find it challenging to keep a state of "gratitude"?
  • Do you feel like you'd like someone to take you by the handand guide you through it , step by step?

Here's the good news

To answer your most burning question any other questions you might have, I will be teaching a five-week Law of Attraction TeleCourse at the end of January.

You can help in the creation of this Tele Course whether or not you choose to join.

Simply send me your most burning question about the law of attraction and I will do a one
hour Teleseminar at the beginning of January, answering your questions.

As a way of thanking you for sending me a question, I will enter your name into a drawing.

The winner of the drawing will receive the five-part Law of Attraction TeleCourse, "Jump Start Your Business with the Law of Attraction" for Free . Spaces are limited so email me right now while you're thinking about it .

I's easy, simply hit "reply" to this e-mail, I will receive your question, and you will be officially entered into the Law of Attraction drawing.

I look forward to supporting you in creating a Prosperous and Successful Business.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Teleseminar Recording for 'surprising secrets'

In case you missed the Teleseminar "Surprising secrets to success" yesterday, or in case you want to listen again, here is the recording http://www.90daystomoreclients.com/audio/121206.mp3

Here are some things I mentioned in the Teleseminar:

A great book on the law of attraction is:

Excuse Me, Your Life is Waiting by Lyn Grabhorn

You can get my law of Attraction article at: www.90daystomoreclients.com (just scroll down and click the third button)

For a "2007 Planning Session", go to www.coachmaya.com

Thursday, December 7, 2006

Surprising secrets to realtor success

Many real estate agents are wondering what to do in today's changing market. Some have gone through a cycle of shock, disappointment, fear, and confusion.

What seemed to work in yesterday's marketplace isn't working today. So what should you do?

There are many opportunities in today's market for success. This Teleseminar will give you
surprising secrets to succeed in today's market.

Here's What You'll Get

In this Complimentary Teleseminar on December 12, you'll be the first to learn not only how to survive, but more importantly how to THRIVE in today's market.

You will learn important secrets like:
* How to deal with the media.
* How to look at the facts.
* How to block out negativity.
* How to overcome your doubts.
* How to find and educate buyers.
* How to emphasize your uniqueness.
* How to use the Law of Attraction to attract your ideal clients.

Zero Cost

At zero cost to you, you'll receive the Secrets to Success in 2007.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 5pm Pacific Standard Time (8pm EST)

To sign-up go to http://90DaystoMoreClients.com

Click the button in the special announcements box. Spaces are limited, and they are filling fast. So register NOW to reserve your space.

When you sign up, you will receive my article "The Law of Attraction Article: The Secret to an Easier, Smoother, and Faster Way to Magnetize What You Want."

An Additional Bonus

In the Complimentary Teleseminar I will include an additional bonus that describes to you in detail how you can create your own "Success Blueprint for 2007"

Get ready to:
* Become a deliberate creator in your life.
* Release your self-limiting beliefs.
* Install empowered beliefs.
* Become crystal clear on what you want.

I want to pack as much as I can into this seminar, so you will be off to a great start in the New Year. Bring your questions, I will be happy to answer as many as I can.

Register at http://90DaystoMoreClients.com now - while you're still thinking about it. I don't want you to miss out on this powerful complimentary Teleseminar. This will be the last Teleseminar this year, and it only takes a few moments to register.

Why It Is Important To Be Grateful

Do you do you know that gratitude is a key ingredient in living the life of your dreams? Gratitude activates the Law of Attraction. Why? Because gratitude is one of the emotional states with the highest frequencies. It's right up there with love, peace, joy, and celebration.
When you radiate the high frequency of gratitude, you enhance your ability to be magnetic to the abundance of the universe.

Louise Hay says, "Gratitude opens the way for more good come into our lives."

Here are some more benefits of being in a state of Gratitude:

* Gratitude acknowledges your power and ability to create
* Gratitude focuses your attention on what you have.
* Gratitude sends out the message that what you desire is on the way.
* Gratitude is a constant reminder of how abundant the universe is.
* Gratitude is a state of mind that attracts abundance to you.

What Can You Do To Be Grateful?

Here are some simple steps:

1. As soon as your feet hit the floor in the morning, remind yourself what you have to be grateful for.

2. As you prepare for your day, keep counting all of the blessings you currently have.

3. Keep a gratitude journal, and write in it daily.

4. Carry with you a rock, stone, or locket that you can touch daily to remind yourself to be in a state of gratitude. Call it your "gratitude rock."

What other ways can you think of to remind yourself to be in a state of gratitude?

My Gift to You

Because this is Thanksgiving week, I want to support you in being full of gratitude. In fact, I want to support you in being grateful. Have you thought about that word?

When you are grateful, you are "great" and you are "full."

If you would like a one-on-one Gratitude Coaching session from me, just contact me with an email in the next 24 hours, and put "Gratitude Coaching Session" in the subject line

Here's what you'll receive:
* Support in feeling grateful for what you currently have.
* Support in feeling grateful for what is on the way.
* Validation for who you are and what you deserve.
* Support in making your faith stronger than your fear.

Did you hear the story about the student who went to the teacher, and said "I'm having a terrible struggle between my fear and my faith. My fear is represented by a black dog and my faith is represented by a white dog. They are battling all the time, and I don't know which one's going to win. The teacher said," the white dog is going to win, of course." The student said, "How do you know that?" The teacher said, "Because, that's the one you're going to feed."

Let me show you ways to" feed your white dog," so that you can enter this Thanksgiving week filled with gratitude.

I have room for just a few sessions, so to be sure you get a space, e-mail me right away at drmaya@90daystomoreclients.com and just put "Gratitude Coaching Session" in the subject line.

At zero cost to you, you are guaranteed to walk away from the session feeling uplifted and grateful.

Surprising Secrets to Success

Many real estate agents are wondering what to do in today’s changing market. Some have gone through a cycle of shock, disappointment, fear, and confusion.

What seemed to work in yesterday's marketplace isn't working today. So what should you do?

There are many opportunities in today's market for success. This Teleseminar will give you surprising secrets to succeed in today's market.

Here's What You'll Get

In this Complimentary Teleseminar on December 12, you'll be the first to learn not only how to survive, but more importantly how to THRIVE in today's market.

You will learn important secrets like:
* How to deal with the media.
* How to look at the facts.
* How to block out negativity.
* How to overcome your doubts.
* How to find and educate buyers.
* How to emphasize your uniqueness.
* How to use the Law of Attraction to attract your ideal clients.

Zero Cost

At zero cost to you, you'll receive the Secrets to Success in 2007.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
5pm Pacific Standard Time (8pm EST)

To sign-up go to http://90DaystoMoreClients.com

Click the button in the special announcements box.

When you sign up, you will receive my article “The Law of Attraction Article: The Secret to an Easier, Smoother, and Faster Way to Magnetize What You Want.”

An Additional Bonus

In the Complimentary Teleseminar I will include an additional bonus that describes to you in detail how you can create your own "Success Blueprint for 2007"

Get ready to:

* Become a deliverate creator in your life.
* Release your self-limiting beliefs.
* Install empowered beliefs.
* Become crystal clear on what you want.

I want to pack as much as I can into this seminar, so you will be off to a great start in the New Year. Bring your questions, I will be happy to answer as many as I can.

Register at http://90DaystoMoreClients.com now - while you're still thinking about it. I don't want you to miss out on this powerful complimentary Teleseminar. This will be the last Teleseminar this year, and it only takes a few moments to register.

Law of Attraction Tip

As you go through your week, if you notice yourself feeling anything less than wonderful, you're probably focusing on what you DON'T want.

When you notice that happening, simply intervene by asking yourself, "So what do I want?'"

Then begin to think about what you want, imagine having it, and feel how great it feels to have it. Watch how your mood changes.

For example, if you have been wanting to manifest prosperity and you notice yourself feeling down about your money situation, it's because you're focusing on what you don't want, which is probably your current situation-- bills, debt, etc.

To turn this around, ask yourself, "So what do I want?" Then begin to visualize yourself receiving prosperity. Notice how good it feels to have a full bank account and all the clients that you'll ever need.

What kind of feelings does that give you? Do you feel elated, joyful, grateful? The more you can feel those POSITIVE feelings and send out those high frequency vibrations the faster you will draw to you, your desire, Prosperity.

Question: How can you remember to do this on a moment by moment basis so you will keep yourself in positive states of consciousness?