Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: Are you sabotaging your own success?

Have you ever felt like you had reached a plateau and could go no higher? If so, you're not alone, many people sabotage their own success. This article teaches you how to reverse self sabotage.

In my work as a real estate business coach for the past 12 years, I have had many people present a similar question, “Why can't I be more successful? Why do I stop myself? I feel like I am my own worst enemy.”

If you've ever felt this way, you're probably suffering from a pattern of self sabotage in which you get in your own way.

While on the one hand, your conscious mind is saying,” I want to be more successful,” your subconscious mind is caught in a “Fear of Success syndrome”.

There are several things that cause people to be afraid of success:

1. They associate success with Stress:

It's a prevailing idea in our society that if you want to be successful, you have to work hard, struggle and strive. Many of my clients have done that and reached a place of “burnout”. Then they are faced with the dilemma of wanting to move forward, but having a very unpleasant memory of what it was like before.

They need to work hard at reprogramming the self limiting belief, “To be successful you have to work very very hard,” and replace it with an Empowered Belief, such as “I am committed to working smarter not harder.”

2. The next self limiting belief that stops people from success is “I'm not worthy or I do not deserve.”

Usually we are not scripted to be successful when we were growing up. Rather we were scripted to fit in and not bring too much attention to ourselves.

We often incurred criticism when we felt too good about ourselves and heard things like, “Who do you think you are?” Being boastful was considered conceited and a definite “no no”.

Many of us over generalized and made the mistake of thinking that we shouldn't think too highly of ourselves, and if we did someone would shoot us down.

The truth is that a healthy level of self-confidence is necessary to be successful. In addition, happiness is feeling good about you. If you've been carrying any of the old beliefs that make you feel unworthy, I urge you to replace them with empowered beliefs, such as:

  • I am more than worthy of prosperity
  • I am highly deserving of an abundance of all good
  • It is now okay for me to feel good about myself
  • I give myself permission to feel pride in the work that I do
  • As I share my expertise I am worthy of being amply rewarded

Practice these Empowered Beliefs frequently to raise your level of deservingness.

3. The “gung ho” vs. “ comfort zone” conflict

Let's face it; in order to be successful you do have to leave your comfort zone. Moving forward always involves some risk.

However what many people fail to realize is that staying stuck in your comfort zone also involves risk.

What risk? It's the risk of not fulfilling your potential, the risk of staying at a low financial level, the risk of never reaching your dreams.

It all of us there is an inner struggle between the part of us that wants us to dream big, and the part of us that wants us to settle for what we have.

Usually some inner "conflict resolution" will help you to realize that you can have a win-win between both parts of you.

The “gung ho” part needs to realize that you need a balanced life with plenty of time for self-care and self maintenance. The “comfort zone” part needs to realize that the comfort zone is not safe, and that sensations that are labeled fear can just as easily be labeled excitement as you find the growing edge of your comfort zone and move beyond it.

To reinforce the balance of these two parts of us, I recommend these empowered beliefs:

  • It is now safe for me to grow and expand
  • I'm committed to creating success in a balanced way

Here's one of my favorites, “In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, I create total financial success, for the highest good of all”.

Let this be your mantra and allow yourself to grow into your full potential with ease and grace.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: How to stay positive in today’s market

So many real estate professionals today are wondering, “How can I stay positive in today's market?” Like any discriminating real estate professional, you realize the value of a positive mental attitude. Here are 8 ways that you can create and maintain a positive mental attitude in today's market.

1. Avoid toxic people

What does this mean? Who are the toxic people?

Toxic people can be well-meaning people but when they talk to you, they are coming from a negative attitude about money, finances, and especially about the current real estate situation.

They may be fellow real estate professionals who want to gather around the water cooler, they may be relatives who are just trying to protect you; they may even be friends and family.

You will know if you've been around a toxic person, because you will begin to feel deflated.

Here's your job: either change the subject or walk away. Better yet, speak up for yourself and mention that you want to think positively about yourself and about your business.

If you see one of them coming your way find a way to avoid the interaction because it does not serve your highest good (or theirs).

2. If you've tried everything and exhausted ways to avoid toxic people, then you may have to set an internal boundary.

You can do this very simply by having your own inner conversation if someone is saying something negative to you on the outside.

A great example of an inner conversation when someone is complaining about their business or about the marketplace is to say to yourself, “that may be true for you but it's not true for me.” This can become your inner mantra.

3. Avoid the media

Why? Remember that the intention of the media is to sell newspapers and magazines. The more they can paint a negative and fearful picture, the more their sales go up.

In fact there is a saying in the newspaper business, “If it bleeds, it reads.” That may seem harsh, but pick up any newspaper and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Why subject yourself to slanted, negative spins on the economy when you can find just as much information to point to the positive?

4. Successful real estate professionals do well in any market.

Were you aware of that? Knowing that fact, none of us can continue to use the excuse about the market being bad.

In fact, I am coaching several clients right now who in the last six months have doubled and tripled their incomes.

In addition to the right marketing strategies and regular lead generation activities, you could help yourself with this empowered belief:

“I now draw to me clients who are ready, willing and able to make a transaction in the next 30 days.”

5. Look for the opportunity in today's marketplace

There are many opportunities in today's market and successful real estate professionals are taking advantage of them.

Did you know that Donald Trump is buying up as much property as he can? Why do you think that is? He is a smart businessman, to say the least, and knows that this is the best time to buy.

Let your prospective clients know this and then say to them, “Let’s get you a deal.” Few could resist this invitation.

6. Remember that your success depends on your mindset, not on the outer conditions of the market.

“If you believe you can or you can't, either way you are right,” Henry Ford.

What mindset do you choose to nurture inside yourself? Do you want to believe,

“I can “or “I can’t”. Your beliefs create your reality so whatever you choose to believe will become true for you.

7. Remember to engage the Law of Attraction as one of your most powerful tools

The law of attraction states that you get what you focus your attention on. Furthermore, your beliefs create your reality so choose your beliefs carefully.

Here’s a tip: instead of saying “I can't possibly succeed in today's market,” choose instead to focus one of these beliefs:

“I achieve whatever I set my mind to”

“I am a money market in any situation”

“I attract clients who appreciate and respect my expertise”

“My success depends on my attitude, not on any outer circumstances”

8. Be proactive

In any marketplace there are always people wanting to buy and sell homes. They need your help and they need your expertise.

Your job is to become visible to them. In today's market, they are not likely to fall in your lap.

However with a good system of lead generation, you can contact them and use your intention to attract your ideal clients.

Clear out any self limiting beliefs that stop you from picking up the phone.

Follow the suggestions mentioned above and you'll be happy to notice that are only are you staying more positive, but also your income is increasing as well.