Monday, September 24, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: Are you Proactive Enough?

What does it mean to be proactive?


Many people come to me without a full understanding of the word proactive. What does it mean to you? Does it mean not procrastinating? Does it mean “getting on the ball? “ If you answered “yes”, you’re right but there’s a lot more to it.


Are you the “cause” or “effect”?

If you get caught up in the idea that you’re at the effect of outside forces, which we all do sometimes, then you are not viewing your life or business from a proactive perspective. What do you do when you don’t have enough clients? Do you blame it on the economy, the interest rates, your boss or your environment in some way?


We often don’t want to look inside and claim our own empowerment. Most of our training is to blame someone or something outside ourselves, to be at the “effect”. In my 30 years of coaching people to maximize their success, I find that a profound turning point comes when my clients decide to take charge and become the “cause”. So next time you have a shortage of clients, for example, ask yourself what action you can take? If you’re not sure, find a book, a tape, or a coach that can help you know what to do. Turn your worry into action and you’ll find that you have the power to attract the clients you want.


Do you let outside circumstances control your response?

Let’s say that one of the escrows you’ve been working on falls through or a client you were counting on decides to cancel? How do you react to such circumstance? It’s natural to feel disappointed, but I’ve seen far too many people devastated and depressed when they know they have to start all over again. The problem is that when you are controlled by the outside to the point where you can't function, your productivity suffers. Then the very thing you’re afraid of, usually not having enough money, becomes a reality.

Here’s a tip from the Law of Attraction: You get what you focus on. Focus on the lack of escrows and what do you get? You’re right, less escrows. Focus on the lack of clients, and what do you get? Right again, not enough clients. The solution? Switch focus and do it fast. As soon as you notice that your focus is on lack, quickly think of how you want it to be.

A full bank account? A lot of clients? Escrows that stick? Whatever it is go there in your consciousness and make the switch. Then ask yourself, “What action steps am I inspired to make?” Inspired action will feel good; you’ll feel a pull from the inside. Frantic action will feel scattered and “out of sync. “


Being proactive means you choose your responses. Next time you fumble, ask yourself:

• Am I being proactive or reactive?
• Am I being the “cause” or the “effect”?
• Am I focusing on what I want or what I don’t want?



Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction.  Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting


Monday, September 17, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 7 Ways To Overcome The Myth That You Have To Be "Pushy" To Succeed

Haven’t we all been told that the ones who succeed are aggressive and pushy? Isn’t this why so many people are scared of marketing themselves? In my 30 years of coaching people, I have found that almost everyone has an aversive reaction to marketing. In other words, they would rather do anything but market themselves and that’s what they usually do.

Tip 1: Look at your old concepts of marketing:

What images come up for you when you think of marketing?

Do you visualize a pushy salesman at your door? Do you think of telemarkers calling you at night?

Tip 2: Do you equate marketing to “sales”?

Most of my clients have always worked for someone else and in their own business, they are scared about whether they succeed or fail. So they begin to believe consciously or unconsciously that marketing means “sales”.

Tip 3: Do you think you are” taking” when you are offering your services?

Over many years of helping people get more clients, I can honestly say that most people believe they are taking from another when they market themselves to another. Instead, start thinking of yourselves as giving whenever you tell anyone what you do.

Tip 4: Have a very comfortable, non pushy “elevator speech”.

An “elevator speech” is a memorized version of what you say when anyone asks you “What do you do?”. Always answer the question with a question. For example, if you are a real estate agent, instead of saying “I’m a real estate agent,” say “You know how most people get stressed out when they buy or sell a home? Well my job is to help them to relax and enjoy the process. I am a real estate agent.”

Tip 5: Always ask permission to continue.

For example, if you are making a “cold call” to someone in business, get their permission to continue. For example, if you are a coach and you say your name and what you do, like “I help People succeed in business,” then say “If you’d like to take 30 seconds, I’ll be happy to tell you what I do.” The receiver of the call will feel like their time is respected.

Tip 6: Always give before asking for the gift of someone’s time and attention:

For example, if you’re a real estate agent, and you want to go door to door, have something in your hand to give the person. For example, “I’m your neighbor and I have a list of the properties that have been sold in our neighborhood. Would this be of interest to you”?

Tip 7: Your prospect needs to know, like and trust you.

Any attempts at being pushy with a prospect will turn them off. Remember to focus on building a relationship so they can know, like and trust you.

Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction.  Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting




Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 7 Tips to Thrive in Today's Market

In today's changing market, many real estate agents are wondering what to do.  Some have gone through a cycle of shock, disappointment, fear, and now confusion.  What seemed to work in yesterday's marketplace isn't working today, so what to do?


The truth is that there are many opportunities in today's market for success.  This article will give you 7 tips to thrive in today's market.



Tip 1:  Listen to the media with discernment


As you know, the media likes to paint a negative spin on everything to get more sales.  There's a saying, "if it bleeds, it reads."  Lately you've been hearing a lot of scare tactics from the media.  When you're buying into the ideas that are presented, notice how you feel.  Do you feel motivated and raring to go?


No, you probably feel demoralized, unmotivated, and downright scared. Guess what? As you feel these feelings, you are radiating energy to prospective clients that stop them from wanting to move forward.  "Whatever you give out comes back to you multiplied."


That might explain why your phone isn't ringing.



Tip 2: Look at the facts


The economic forecast is actually quite different than what the media is spinning.  Here's what you need to know to get you motivated, and in action:


  • interest rates are still at an all-time low


  • we've gone through the worst of the dip


  • indications are that prices will start to rise

In other words, the worst part is over, and you can start to sell houses again.



Tip 3:  Put up boundaries on negativity in your environment


You probably know what environment I'm talking about.  I'm talking about being around other real estate agents.


Many of the clients that I'm currently coaching are busy creating a positive mindset.  How do they do it?


They tell me, "I don't hang out with real estate agents who are negative. I would rather write in my own car than hear the negative buzz."


Well done, I say. Don't let anyone rain on your parade.



Tip 4:  Monitor your own self talk


No one knows how to create negative chatter in your mind, more than you do.  With the flip of a switch, you can turn off negative self talk and give yourself positive and encouraging self talk.


Here's how you can spot negative self talk.  It will sound something like:


  • "I don't know if I can succeed in today's market"


  • "I don't know if there's enough business to go around"


  • "maybe it's time for me to get a 'real job"

After working with real estate agents for the past 10 years to help them to double and triple the incomes, I have found an easy technique to intervene and create a positive mindset.


The next time you notice any negative self talk, just say STOP! Then take a breath and put in some positive new thoughts.  Here are some examples of positive thoughts I have helped my clients create:


  • "I have what it takes to succeed in any market"


  • "there's more than enough to go around"


  • "the bottom line is - no matter what, people will always need to buy and sell houses"


  • "I do work I love and I’m richly rewarded"

What does this do? This creates a positive, affirming mindset so that instead of asking the question, "can I do this?” you ask, "how can I do this?"



Tip 5: Find and educate buyers


With an abundance of homes that need to be sold, and interest rates still low, what a wonderful time for buyers to get a great deal.


Your job is to find them, and educate them on this rare opportunity.  Use all your prospecting methods, but direct yourself to reaching the buyers. When you do reach them (or they reach you), only give energy to the ones who are highly motivated and have to move.  Be sure to have a buyer’s agreement with you, so you'll be compensated for your hard work.



Tip 6:  Be clear on what makes you unique


As you begin to market yourself to buyers, be sure to present reasons to them as to why they should work with you instead of another real estate agent.


When I present this idea to my clients, they often go blank. Does this ever happen to you?  If so, then with the help of a mentor or a coach, have someone help you discover your strengths.


For example, one of my clients did not realize how much she had going for her. She was a great negotiator, very attentive to details and at the same time was very personable. She would bend over backwards to be sure that her clients felt comfortable.  When she realized her uniqueness, her business grew, as she realized how much she had to give.



Tip 7:  Use the Law of Attraction to attract your ideal clients


The best way for your business to grow and your income to triple is to be attracting your ideal clients.  Your ideal clients will be pleasurable to work with, they will appreciate your service and will demonstrate that to you with a full commission, and they will refer people to you.


The Law of Attraction would say: visualize clients you want to work with, see yourself working with them now, and feel what it feels like to have an abundance of ideal clients.  If it gives you joy to serve them, then radiate that joy and watch how it magnetizes those ideal clients to you.  This is the difference between having work you tolerate and work that you love.


Follow these tips, and you'll be thriving in any market.



Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction.  Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting



Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Real Estate Marketing Strategies: 7 Tips To Make Public Speaking Easier

A survey was recently taken showing that the top fear is public speaking. The fear of death was later on down the list. Do you know what that means? It means most people would rather die that speak in public! 

How about you?  How do you feel about public speaking?

Having coached thousands of people in the last 30 years, I can assure you that there is hope. Many of my clients were terrified of speaking in front of a group of people, and then as they learned the 7 Tips they start to relax and even become exceptional at public speaking. I remember one client in particular who did such an about face, that by the end of the coaching, she decided to become a professional speaker!

Now you can learn the 7 Tips:

Tip 1

Normalize your fear. In other words, be aware that just about everyone shares this fear. It is normal in our society.

Tip 2

Remember that your thoughts create your reality. If you tell yourself, “I am a terrible public speaker,” then you’ll become that which you think.

Tip 3

Remember to visualize how you want to see yourself being. How would you ideally like to feel when speaking in front of people? Would you like to be calm and relaxed? Start visualizing yourself as a calm and relaxed speaker, and step inside of the picture and feel the feelings as if they are happening right now.

Tip 4

Give your self a positive verbal suggestion, such as “I am a calm, confident, and dynamic public speaker.” I personally used that one and within a short period of time I became what I affirmed.

Tip 5

Ask yourself why you are afraid? Did a negative episode happen in your life where you where ridiculed or judged? If so, a part of you decided, “I’ll never do that again.” It became your survival strategy. Healing that wound will require that you ask the scared part what it would need to feel safe. A client of mine, the other day said just that to her scared part. It became clear that her scared part would only be willing to speak up if it was being heard by a friendly, supportive audience, where mistakes were allowed. 

Tip 6

Find a person who will listen with support and encouragement, like a coach or a mentor. Then role play with that person until you feel comfortable speaking.

Tip 7

Speak from your heart. Realize that your speaking is a gift. It is benefiting the listener. Become passionate about what you say. Focus on them, not you. This is about them and what you have to give to them.

A personal note: at one point I was nervous about public speaking. I followed all of the suggestions that I mentioned above. In addition, whenever I speak, I carry some 3x5 cards in my hand with sufficient notes. That way I know that if I get lost or distracted, I have something to bring me back on track.


Dr. Maya Bailey, author of "Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals", integrates 20 years of experience as a Psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction.  Her powerful work creates a success formula for Real Estate professionals ready to double and triple their incomes. Get Dr. Maya’s free report “7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days” by visiting